Latest developments and service changes

Winter service of 2025

As of January 6

Good news: 

Routes 100 and 200 back in service during peak periods. 

This will make it easier for you to get to the Gatineau and Ottawa downtowns. The 100 will run every 10 minutes, and the 200 every 4 to 8 minutes.

Upgraded Sunday service. 

The addition of 27 new trips will increase the range and frequency of certain routes. As a result, Saturday and Sunday service levels will be the same.

As well, a number of schedule adjustments are coming. Check your route schedules before heading out.

Changes for the Lorrain station

Routes 100 and 200 will be starting at stop #4002, the Lorrain station.

Voir la carte

Stop #4003 will be discontinued. 

In addition, routes 18, 93, 95 and 400, routes 68, 100, 200, 576 and 800 will now serve stop #4002. 

To board, simply go to the stop. Given that there could be a long line of buses at stop #4002, only the first two buses will open their doors. The boarding area is indicated in red on the above map.

Consult  Planibus

  • Current service schedules.  
  • Easy to create your personalized schedule.
  • Choose a date from January 6, 2025.

You can also create your schedule with the Transit app.

Customer Relations 

The Customer Relations team is another option you can consult during business hours at 819-770-3242 to lend a hand and answer your questions.