Terms of use
The STO and its partners reserve all intellectual property rights to the information on this site. Any information and data appearing on this site may only be used for commercial or lucrative purposes with the express authorization of the STO and its partners. Those rights apply to all documents, data, photographs and other elements appearing on this site.
Accuracy of Information
This site offers general and/or specific information of different types, namely the possibility of providing an itinerary, checking a schedule or searching for the cost of a trip. That information stems from the STO and other sources deemed reliable.
The STO is doing everything to ensure the accuracy of the information at the moment it is presented. However, the STO cannot, other than in the event of gross or intentional error on its part, be held liable if certain information turns out to be incorrect or incomplete, or because of the manner in which the user interprets or uses that information.
Changes without notice
The STO may change information about content, services or programs published on its www.sto.ca site without notice.
Links to other websites
When our website provides links to other sites, the linked sites appear in a new window and information exchanged after you leave our site is no longer protected by our privacy policy, but is subject to the policy of the site you have accessed, if applicable.
The fact that another website contains a link to the sto.ca website does not in any way mean that the Société de transport de l’Outaouais (STO) recommends that site or agree with the opinions expressed on that site.
Policy on privacy
Automatically Exchanged Information
When you access our website, information is automatically exchanged between your computer and the site’s server. This allows for our server to send you a file that is compatible with the equipment you are using. The following information is exchanged :
- the Internet domain name and the IP address through which you are accessing our site;
- the type of browser and operating system used to access our site;
- the date and time at which you access our site;
- the pages you visit;
- if you access our website from another site, the address of that site.
Your identity is not revealed through this exchange. We conserve this data to keep a record of the number of visitors to our website, the most frequently visited pages, the time of visits, the technology used by visitors, the referring sites and the visitors’ countries of origin.
Personal Information
It is recommended that no personal information circulate on the Internet or by e-mail unless it is encrypted. However, if you decide to voluntarily send us personal information by e-mail, we will only use the information needed to answer your message or to follow up on your request. Electronic correspondence is subject to the same confidentiality measures as regular mail. Personal information provided is not disclosed to any other entity unless your request is intended for that purpose or disclosure is required or permitted by law. The information is not used to create user profiles and is only communicated to other organizations if permitted by law.
Under the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information, if we request that you provide personal information, you will be informed of the following:
- the name and address of the public body on whose behalf the information is being collected;
- the purposes for which the information is collected;
- the categories of persons who will have access to the information;
- of the fact that a reply is obligatory, or that it is optional;
- the consequences in case of a refusal to reply;
- the rights of access and correction provided by law.
The person in charge of protection of personal information at the Société de transport de l’Outaouais is:
Richard Vézina, Lawyer
General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
(819) 770-7900 ext. 6202
In contests, the names of the winners are disseminated among our customers through various means of communication. However, when a photograph or image is used, the main winners are always asked ahead of time to sign an authorization form for publicity purposes.
Customers’ comments
In the case of comments received about our services, the personal information is only used to follow up with the person who made the comment or to compile information about the situation for internal investigations. The STO does everything to protect that person’s privacy. Therefore, a customer making a comment need not worry about their privacy because the STO is committed to protecting it.
Investigations and surveys
The STO reserves the right to contact certain customers for surveys, but in every single case, the information is provided voluntarily and/or with informed consent.
Personal information is used to address and send the newsletter to customers who signed up on the website to receive it. Personal information received is neither sold, exchanged nor forwarded to third parties.
Account security
If you are required to register through the site at some point, you will have to provide current, complete and accurate information on the registration form. In most cases, you will be asked to provide your email address and a password.
You are responsible for keeping your account and password confidential. In addition, you are responsible to any activity in your account. You are also responsible for immediately informing the STO of any unauthorized use of your account or any other security breach in your account.
You may be held liable for any loss incurred by the STO or a third party due to the use of your account or password by anyone other than you. Your account may not at any time be used by anyone other than you, and you may not use someone else’s account without that person’s authorization.
Language used by the STO
The STO’s language of work is French. Certain publications on its website and some of the pages and sections on the site are only in French.
Gender-inclusive language
The STO strives to use gender-inclusive language, but where the masculine is used, it shall be held to include all genders, unless otherwise indicated.
Social Media
In order to ensure constructive and respectful exchanges, the STO reserves the right to delete any comment it deems inappropriate or that fails to comply with the netiquette